We asked AI to show us couples from the South.

We were interested to see what we would find when we asked…

“Show us pictures of couples from the Southern USA.”

Here’s what we got.


Just kidding.

This is what we got when we adjusted our request for “Redneck couples from the Southern USA.”

Here are the couples we originally were shown…

pictures of southern couples in alabama 4
Wood cabin and jeans.
pictures of southern couples in alabama 10
Obligatory Southern front porch!
pictures of southern couples in alabama 6
We see trucks, cotton, and cowboy hats!
pictures of southern couples in alabama 7
Beer and grills.
pictures of southern couples in alabama 3
Ha. Sound of Music, anyone?
pictures of southern couples in alabama 8
Cute old folks and an oak tree (we think?)
pictures of southern couples in alabama 5
Gotta’ have a barn and a sunset.
DALL·E 2024 04 16 11.52.21 A Southern USA couple at an outdoor barbecue event. The man is wearing a short sleeved shirt with a checkered pattern khaki shorts and a baseball ca
BBQ and straw hats.
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Fishing is a must (and soaking your boots in the water).

Ok, here are a few of our ‘redneck’ attempts.

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Notice the solid double-fisting happening. And I think he had a chainsaw accident.

Ok, are you noticing what we’re noticing?

Does AI think that only white people live in the South or something?

Yep, we wondered the same thing.

So we asked.

any other ethnicities

setting the record straight
well ok then

Finally, a bit of diversity.

finally a black couple
ethnic makeup in Alabama

I mean, look.

My goal isn’t to bust the chops of the AI.

It’s possible that it was just running math, as according to Google whites make up 60%+ of Alabama.

So, mayyyybe given enough opportunity, it would show me other options.

But I’m not holding out for that.

I mean, Google itself paused the use of an image generator after it very clearly incorrectly created images of historical figures with the wrong ethnicity.

These are bonehead mistakes for a multi-billion dollar corporation.

But I digress.

Looking forward to testing out more prompts and images in the future!

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