The United Way works to improve people’s lives all across the world.
They focus on the building elements for a decent quality of life: education, income, and health.
What is United Way’s Mission?
United Way aims to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods through mobilizing resources.
They want to strengthen their unity and fight for access to essential essentials, health, education, and financial stability.
The United Way of Southwest Alabama and its 46 partner agencies serve more than 200,000 people each year.

Volunteer Connect
They also have Volunteer Connect, a recruiting and management website to boost volunteering.
It provides opportunities for individuals and groups to volunteer and helps mobilize resources.
UWSWA and Lifelines Counseling Service
UWSWA and Lifelines Counseling Service partnered to give free and confidential support to those in need with their helpline.
These call specialists provide individual assistance and referrals to community services.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Another program from United Way is their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
It offers free federal and state e-filing assistance, making it easier to accomplish these requirements.
Clarke County Outreach Center
There are no restrictions on the services provided by the Clarke County Outreach Center (CCOC).
It also serves as a central hub for UWSWA partner organizations serving Clarke County.
The CCOC is not just for UWSWA-funded programs.
Residents from Choctaw, Clarke, and Washington Counties can access the programs and services.
They benefit from having a presence in the county, which helps alleviate mobility issues.
The CCOC, made possible by an Alabama Power Foundation Elevate Grant, opened on May 29th, 2019.
Project Blueprint
People who want to learn more about the organization’s board structure, board service, operations, and other topics can join a two-month ” Project Blueprint program.”
This program aims to let residents understand the board service and make them involved.
Personal responsibility, the business of nonprofits, and assistance for the community in need are among the many topics addressed.
Project Blueprint empowers the participants with the knowledge of the operations and board service of the organization while fostering diversity.
After completing the training program, PBP graduates can now serve the local boards and committees in their respective communities.
Single Care
Single Care allows people to save up to 80% on their medications for many pharmacies.
Health care should be available for everyone, so it is a free prescription savings service that also comes in a discount card.
Whether you have insurance, you can still use it for free and access the most affordable medications.
You can use Single Care in more than 35,000 pharmacies across the United States.
Related Reading: Others First – Learn More Here.
Emerging Leaders
UWSWA Affinity Groups bring together donors with common interests for a more significant impact.
These people will be the future’s hope for better community leaders and philanthropists.
Women United
By harnessing the strength and passion of women leaders from the region, Women United aims to change Southwest Alabama’s communities.
Alexis de Tocqueville Society of Southwest Alabama
The Alexis de Tocqueville Society brings together community leaders and benefactors dedicated to making a difference in the lives of their neighbors.
Related Reading: Love Your Community – Check Them Out Here.