I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but new storage unit facilities seem to be sprouting all over town.
It certainly has people buzzing on social media.
So, why the sudden need for these spaces?
Are we accumulating too much stuff?
It looks like it.
These storage facilities wouldn’t be popping up out of nowhere if there wasn’t sufficient demand for them.

But is it really wise to dedicate precious real estate to storage?
Apparently, we’ve had no say in the matter thus far.
No neighborhoods are consulted before the construction of these facilities starts.
No one is even informed, and the companies behind these services don’t show up to planning commission meetings to voice their intentions.
One possible reason for the high demand for storage facilities is the sudden influx of new subdivisions in the city.
It seems that folks don’t want to clutter up their homes, but I don’t know if this is the right solution.
As more of these facilities get built, there is a chance of overdevelopment in the Mobile area.
Places like Austin, Phoenix, and the Florida panhandle are already facing this issue.