Mobilians Know How To Shop!

Sachin Ghatwal

Many downtown Mobile stores reported a solid Black Friday turnout even amid this inflation. 

‘Small Business Saturday’ helped even more. People were encouraged to patronize their neighborhood shops and other independent enterprises.

mobilians know how to shop

The vitality of a community depends on its small businesses, which also happen to offer fantastic retail experiences.

Folks were seen strolling through Downtown Mobile, perhaps doing some early Christmas shopping. 

Small businesses are necessary for a thriving local economy, so it’s crucial that we celebrate this day in their honor. Without our support, they won’t survive.

Mobile Museum of Art Does It Again 

mobile museum of art does it again

Mobile Museum of Art has again gained accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums, the country’s highest designation accorded museums. 

Accreditation represents quality to governments, the cultural sector, and potential investors. 

In 1996, the Mobile Museum of Art received its inaugural accreditation. All museums must undergo a reaccreditation assessment at least every 10 years to preserve their recognized status.

Accreditation from the Alliance for Museum Excellence demonstrates to the public that the museum meets rigorous criteria integrity and adheres to the highest levels of professional practice. 

If you’ve visited the Mobile Museum of Art before, you’ll know why it deserves this honor. If not, then this is a sign to make a day of it and take in their stunning exhibits. 

Related: Check out other great local museums

Honoring Victor Birch and Bowdoin Atchison 

honoring victor birch and bowdoin atchison

Two trees were planted at Medal of Honor Park on Saturday by the Port City Pacers and the Friends of Mobile Trees in memory of local runners who passed away too soon.

These trees were meant to honor Victor Birch and Bowdoin Atchison. They both ran regularly and participated in many community activities.

They were very important to many people, and they did their fair share to improve our community. 

Though the event was tinged with sadness, it’s nice to know that the community steps up and recognizes exceptional individuals. 

If you value someone’s work and support right now, you should let them know. 

There’s No Party Like A Mobile Iron Bowl Block Party

there's no party like a mobile iron bowl block party

The annual rivalry game between Alabama and Auburn University, known as the Iron Bowl, took place on Saturday.

To mark the occasion, Mobile Parks & Recreation hosted the Iron Bowl Block Party.

Auburn and Alabama fans alike defied the rain and, despite the intense competition, joined together to join the party and commemorate the big game.

False Identity, a local band, played live to kick things off at noon.

A giant LED screen on Dauphin Street broadcasted the game, and a DJ played music during halftime.

Awards were given to the most enthusiastic and best-dressed spectators. Woohoo! 

Aloe Bay To Be The Town Center of Dauphin Island 

aloe bay to be the town center of dauphin island

Dauphin Island’s local government has been struggling to generate consent revenue, but they have a new strategy: transforming Aloe Bay into the island’s cultural epicenter.

The Aloe Bay project’s chief designer is Brandon Bias. He claims that this is just the first of three stages in a multi-year effort whose overarching goal is to improve conditions for island residents and visitors.

It will feature a wide variety of shops, eateries, and office spaces, creating the atmosphere of a buzzing downtown or town hub.

All storms and disasters have devastating effects on the island’s westernmost region. 

While other areas of the island may need time to recover from future storms, the central part of the island where Aloe Bay is located is expected to be far more resilient and able to weather those storms.

Related Reading: Check out other beaches close to Mobile AL

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