Top April Fools Pranks (+ Alabama Jokes that got out of hand)

Mobile Rundown Staff

We polled some folks around Mobile and these were their favorite April Fools jokes of 2023!

Yellowhammer Coffee

Goleman Casting

Here are a few other April Fools Jokes from around Alabama that went crazy viral!

I Saw BigFoot in Wilmer, Alabama!

big foot sighting in wilmer Alabama

Kenny and his friend Taylor planned a prank for April Fool’s Day in Wilmer, Alabama. They were going to make a Tik Tok video (it always starts with TikTok).

The TikTok didn’t work out, so Kenny made up a story about seeing a Bigfoot. 

Well, that worked.

He found pictures online and made a convincing story with a fake Mobile County Sheriff’s Office endorsement. Kenny’s post got a lot of attention and was featured on national news. 

The Sheriff’s Office jumped in on the fun, responding with, “Kenny….put the pipe down dude 🙄🥴😳#wecannotconfirm #kennyfunny

Of course, it was just a joke.

And of course, some people believed it was an actual Bigfoot sighting!

Off the Rails in Alabama

On April Fool’s Day 2019, a woman in a small town called Quinton, Alabama (where’s that again?) posted on Facebook.

She said a train carrying toxic waste had derailed, and people needed to evacuate for two days. This post caused panic, and hundreds of calls were made to 911 and emergency services. 

Local officials had to put hazmat and disaster teams on standby and even notify the governor. 

The post was tracked down and removed.

The woman who made the post apologized. 

Officials reminded people that these pranks are illegal and could result in jail time. The joke caused a lot of chaos and was not funny.

Good idea, bad execution.Here’s a link to April Fools Joke gone wrong.

10 More April Fools Favorites (just for fun)

  1. Google Nose (2013): Google announced a new feature that allowed users to search for smells. It included a video and fake search results for “wet dog” and “new car smell.”
  2. Duolingo Pillow (2019): Duolingo released a video promoting a pillow that would teach you a language while you slept. The video included a fictional backstory about the inventor of the pillow and testimonials from satisfied customers.
  3. The Left-Handed Whopper (1998): Burger King announced a new version of its famous Whopper burger, specifically designed for left-handed people. It included a special rotating bun that prevented the toppings from spilling out of the left side of the burger.
  4. Rickrolling (2008): On April Fool’s Day, YouTube replaced all its featured videos on the homepage with a link to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video. Clicking the link would “rickroll” the viewer, playing the music video instead of the intended content.
  5. Amazon Petlexa (2017): Amazon released a video promoting a new feature for its Alexa virtual assistant called Petlexa. The goal was to understand and respond to barks, meows, and other pet sounds, allowing animals to order food and control smart devices in the home.
  6. Gmail Motion (2011): Google announced a new way to control your email with body gestures. The video showed people using exaggerated gestures to write and send emails.
  7. ThinkGeek products (various years): ThinkGeek, a geeky gadgets and toys retailer, has released many fake products over the years. These include a Tauntaun sleeping bag (2010), a canned unicorn meat (2010), a Star Trek-themed business casual clothing line (2012), and a Rick and Morty-inspired “Plumbus X” (2018).
  8. The Guardian’s new font (2010): The Guardian newspaper announced that it was changing its font to “Guardian Egyptian”, a hieroglyphic-inspired font that was completely unreadable.
  9. The Selfie Shoe (2015): Miz Mooz, a shoe company, released a video promoting a shoe with a built-in selfie stick. The video showed people taking selfies with their shoes.
  10. Netflix Live (2017): Netflix released a video promoting a new live streaming service that featured a host commenting on mundane things like traffic and weather.

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