Mobile Ballet – Promoting The Performing Arts

The Mobile Ballet is the region’s foremost classical ballet school and company.

The Mobile Ballet provides three major shows annually for the audience to enjoy.

Mobile Ballet trainees and the company, selected through an audition process, participate in these shows, which also feature special guests from all around the world.

More than 300 students receive the services from the Mobile Ballet School, which has locations in Mobile and Daphne.

Mobile Ballet

How Did Mobile Ballet Begin?

Mobile Ballet began in 1987 to promote ballet to represent the human spirit by providing high-quality dance instruction and presenting high-quality performances. 

Nonprofit Mobile Ballet has had a profound effect on the cultural and economic environment of Mobile and the surrounding region since its inception.

They cater ages 3 to an adult every year.

Related Reading: Kids Eat Free Or Cheap In Mobile Alabama – Get To Know Here.

What Does Mobile Ballet Offer?

They provide outstanding dance instruction in a professional and supportive environment that emphasizes artistic excellence and diversity.

They are under the direction of an internationally recognized creative director and taught by a highly qualified staff of professional ballet instructors.

The Mobile Ballet has up to 40 selected roles with the possibility to perform in the season’s three flagship works alongside guest performers.

Many of their former students turned into professional dancers or teachers in the field. 

As a result of their Discover Dance program, they create entirely produced performances of their seasonal works, especially for K-12 students.

Many children have their first taste of live ballet performances and develop a passion for the performing arts. 

Mobile Ballet is grateful to teach nearly 3,000 kids each year about ballet and live shows through this initiative, which recognizes the effective influence of arts education and introduction to performing arts. 

Most of the dancers in Mobile Ballet productions are not professional dancers but rather local high school and primary school children who learn at the Mobile Ballet School. 

An essential component of Discover Dance is seeing young dancers perform with professional artists of a similar age and experience level.

How Can You Donate?

A collaboration with local charitable groups has also allowed them to reach more under-served audiences through the Share the Dance campaign.

They have been able to give out over 10,000 free tickets through Share the Dance owing to the generosity of donors.

The Alabama State Council on the Arts, City of Mobile, Mobile County Commission, and many local foundations, companies, and individual sponsors funded this event.

Donations to the Relevé Project under Mobile Ballet can be made by visiting and making a general payment. 

Thanks to your support, they can keep presenting world-class performances on stage, outstanding instruction in the workshop, and significant outreach initiatives in our community. 

Their passion is dancing, and they strive to make the performing arts more accessible to everyone.

As they work to increase access and decrease obstacles to participation, community support is crucial.

Related Reading: The Best Yoga Studios In Mobile Alabama – Click Here To Find Out.

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