Koma Bistro (Our Experience)

Koma Bistro is one of the newest spots in downtown Mobile – they took over the former Firehouse Wine Bar (they left the old fire pole, of course!)

We chose Koma Bistro for our “K” in our A – Z in 2023 Eating Project.

Thanks to our sponsor, 1031 Meals (use code EATMOBILE10 to get 10% off your order of $30 or more!)


Koma Bistro Downtown Mobile Alabama 1

Here’s our experience (not shown is me trying to hit up that fire pole).

Of course, right inside the front door, I saw this sign and wanted to try the pizza waffle (sadly, they were out that day!)

Ok, after I got over no waffle crust, I tried another pizza.

It was solid.

I wanted a draft beer, but their machine was broken (bummer!)

Therefore, I tried a Liquid Koma (Hennessy, anyone?)

We had a good time experiencing the new Koma Bistro.

It was a tad expensive, but hey, inflation.

Koma Bistro Downtown Mobile Alabama 11

And it’s Mobile, so of course it was raining.

Actually, it was pouring!

downtown mobile alabama flooding

My feet miiiiggghht have gotten a bit wet 😂

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