Did you guys know that there’s an area non-profit that formed in 2021 and has been raising funds to renovate the railroad overpass in Midtown Mobile?
You know the one.

The one that’s typically covered in trash (we’ve picked up this area multiple times ourselves).
Yep – Old Shell Rd & Sage Avenue.

Well, guess what?
Here’s the plan for this area (with construction possibly starting in a month if things go well!)

And wait, is it an overpass or an underpass?

It looks like both might technically be correct, depending on which you’re talking about…

While it won’t fix the flooding issue (that’s a much bigger one to tackle), it will beautify the overpass.
Here’s a bit from the organization raising the funds for the project:
“Community of Mobile, Inc.is a non-profit (501c3) organization that was formed in 2021. Since then, we have been actively working with both City and Railroad representatives to reshape and transform the Underpass site from one of detraction to one of attraction . This endeavor is a three-legged stool…it’s success requires cooperation and support from the City, the Railroad, and the Community. “
Learn more about the project here.