Magnolia Beach in Fairhope is a favorite quick getaway for many Mobilians (and one of the fun things to do in Fairhope!)
It’s such a luxury that we have a peaceful location to watch the sunsets only 30 minutes away.
But sadly, the waves are slowly depleting the sands of Magnolia beach. This has been a problem that’s been going on for 20 years.
And it’s not only the shoreline that’s in danger. The facilities and roadways that make the beach accessible and worth visiting are also at risk.
Next month, the city of Fairhope plans to dump 25 truckloads of sand on the beach to combat this erosion.
Right now, the erosion has gotten so bad to the point that the beach is almost like a bayside cliff.
Future plans involve using rock piles as breakwater just off the beach. It looks like replenishing the sand every year just isn’t going to cut it.
This project is estimated to cost around half a mil, which the city can’t really afford right now. They’re hoping to get GOMESA (Gulf of Mexico Energy Securities Act) funding to cover the cost.
We hope our neighbors get approved for funding by this fall. We wouldn’t want to see this beloved beach reclaimed by the bay.