Can’t Paint the Midtown Cannon? McT says, “No Problem!”

Mobile Rundown Staff

The high school football rivalry between McGill-Toolen and Murphy is nothing short of legendary. 

We all know about that cannon that’s been part of the action for 50 years. 

Update: Read on if you were wondering how cannon painting would happen after the city no longer allows permits for painting the cannon.

No permit needed for this paint job!

Thanks to the orange, we know who won, and it looks like both cannons were painted! 😀

cannon - painted september 2023 by McT

If you’re new to town, the cannon gets painted blue or orange, depending on who takes home the victory. 

This is some family tradition-type stuff. 

Grandparents go to these schools to cheer on their teams in this long-standing showdown. 

rivalry revived

But in February, the City dropped a bombshell —

No more cannon-painting shindigs on Government Street. 

Now, we’re not really sure why, but there have been some messy incidents in the past. 

There was last year’s Pride Month vandalism and a wild police pepper spray episode back in 2016. 

So, the 2024 McGill-Toolen seniors were bummed out because they were going to have to miss out on this tradition. 

Well, this year’s grads saved the day and coughed up some cash to buy their very own cannon. 

If they win, it’s going to be a painting party with triumphant orange, and that cannon’s going to be at the LIP’s baseball field. 

Murphy High School is still scratching their heads about how to celebrate if they win. 

Their coach just wants them to play their hearts out and keep it classy. 

Are they supposed to paint McT’s cannon in this new setup?

It’s unclear, but we doubt it.

All we know is that this move from McT is their vote of confidence in their own team.

It’s almost as if to say, “We’re ready. What’s your move?”

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You can find that quote and the original story here.

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